Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fairy Tale

A brilliant, enormous blue eagle swooped out of the sky, and as it glided to a smooth stop I leapt onto it before thinking twice. It gave an inviting wink to my friend, and I knew it was taking us to the castle in the air that we had heard about. My friend shook her head. "I'd love to get in but...nah, I'll get to the castle some other way! You just watch, I don't need that eagle! I can do it by myself!"
I flew away, far away, and looked down on the crowd waving goodbye from my small village.
I soared through clouds, through puple storms, through the fire of sunsets and the glittering of starry nights until I reached the brightest star in the sky. The brilliant light was blinding, and deafening trumpet noise surrounded me. I took no more than a few steps before the sapphire eagle swiftly and silently glided before me into the castle. As I strode forward, glowing ruby castle walls surrounded me on all sides. Then I remembered: my friend said she would meet me here, but where was she?  I waited, I kept searching around the castle, but my friend who rejected the eagle was nowhere to be seen. Then, my eye was quickly caught by a black, shiny plaque with gold letters painted on it:

The kindom of God is like this castle.
Everyone tries to get in without hassle.
The brilliant blue eagle left his palace for you,
He's Jesus who'd do everything for you.
Some, like your friend, will simply say,
"I'll get to Heaven some other way."
But they're not here, as you can see.
Jesus says, "The only way's through me."

John 14:6 (New International Version)

"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.' "